Dina & Darlene Tunnel—variations on how to be born conjoined

Fission and fusion. Ischiopagus: lower half/spine-ends melded together at a 180 degree angle, share genitals, anus. Dina & Darlene, thoraco-omphalopagus: one liver, one heart. Dina & Darlene, single face with four ears, eight limbs. Cephalopagus: two faces, one head. Janiceps: thorax and skull, equal faces in opposite direction. Dina & Darlene, craniopagus parasiticus: a parasitic head with an un/derdeveloped body attached at the head to a second perfectly healthy baby. Dina & Darlene, xiphoid cartilage, share only liver. Dina & Darlene, merged bones, breastplate to waist, ovaries to lungs. Dina & Darlene, together forever.

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