
after Viviane Houle

O how oppressive is the light

runner, bring the coiling darkness back around

morningstar lady of shade

darkmatter raiment lend me a blade

O how the Empty eats always the All

spinster, ring the roiling snarl-ness where once was ground

prince of darkness lend me your aid

neural network wending, make trade

beads to deck this pubic beard

as webs in the dawn-dew this my own

my wending wool hung with dying stars

like jewels in the scratchpaint wires

of tentacled, emptied, unlimned Night

nevermore, consoling dark

O bitter the invading blaze, burnt

the lost and winding, un-found root

writhe, un-warped and un-weft, Crawling Chaos

(praised be thy name)

against erosion, erasure-blazing Void–

it swallows and surrounds your scattered reels

cosmic crinoid catching, culling each cruel

pulse’s cloying, spun senescent snow

where the Empty ends and your ownself

sketched in spirals begins again

and again

and again

O knot of worms

fetch me through your ink-slip grip

urchin with a sea-fan’s arms

strain and sieve the endless

pale Open out of itself

and back in, back in, back in–

O hallowed, O held, O feather-fingered

finder, trace this your manifold tail

back into becoming, break once more

the branch-scattered spool snake

of your gut, every strain

and tune of it

gravid with relentless





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