Category: New Writing

EG 6

My Own Weight

I don’t have to drink to get dizzy
any more. Age does that for me now.
Once I walked across a rushing river
with a Japanese man on my back.
He was a famous fisherman who had
fished all over the world. Only now
can I imagine his terror. Here is a
haiku he might have written: The water
is fast. My horse only has two legs.
How did I get here?
These days it’s
all I can do to carry my own weight
on the perpetual carnival ride
of my daily chores. The bathtub is
an adventure in itself.

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EG 7

The Colors of the Wind

I felt pretty good about myself
when I came up with that title, but after
I googled it, I wound up not giving
much of a shit about anything, much less
the wind. Multitudes have noticed its color,
some in the glittering dewdrops at dawn,
some on the handbags of prostitutes.
It all depends on velocity and direction.
Right now it has slowed to five miles
an hour, it’s out of the northeast and it’s pink.
It’s coming right at you, it’s barely stirring
the hairs on your ears. I made all this up.
I was too lazy to google it. The wind
never had any color and never will.

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EG 8

A Good Thing

The lake is warm. The air is cool. Take off
your clothes and join me. The moonlight makes
the water so soft drowning might almost feel
comfortable. The fire is down. The stars
are out. The wind is so low you can hear
the snowflakes hit. Shall we walk out into the
woods, lie down and freeze to death, or shall we
pack up the SUV and make it home in time
for the news? It’s a good thing we don’t
believe in God or we might wind up
dog paddling through a burning oil slick.
As it is we have invented sleeping pills
and air fresheners to approximate
dying and going to heaven.

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EG 9

Even Cleaner

We crunched the numbers and came to the conclusion
that we hadn’t been using the water right, especially
that which coursed through our bathrooms, farms
and factories. We kept this to ourselves
because we were hoping to get a raise.
Our infants emerged from the womb looking smudged,
like they’d just been dragged from a mining disaster.
It took industrial solvent to clean them up,
and even then they didn’t smell right.
But clean them up we did, then sent them off
to Bible College where they got even cleaner
and lost their smell. We were proud of them.
When they were old enough to think
for themselves, they had us lined up and shot.

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EG 10

All the Guns

In appreciation of all the guns we shall
resurrect these watermelons from
the oblivion to which we have blown them.
In honor of all the guns we shall observe
a moment of silence.
In respect for all the guns, we shall breathe
their incense and write out a big blank
check for more bullets. In defense
of all the guns we shall garner more
guns. In apology for all the guns
we shall offer you this stick-pin of a
flag. In celebration of all the guns we
shall carry them openly. In homage to all
the guns we shall erect a statue of a hole.

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EG 11


I came much closer to believing in
the tooth fairy than I did in Santa
or God. Santa just brought presents
and was a ploy of my conniving
parents. God was pretty much the same
except he never brought presents.
I leaned toward Jesus and the Easter bunny
like I leaned toward lamb and chocolate,
but in the end, the tooth fairy won out.
I had put this odd currency from inside
of my mouth under my pillow and
in the morning it had been replaced
by a cold, hard dime. Sometimes I
would put the dime in my mouth.

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EG 12

Notes to Self

Remember to get oranges. Remind
neighbors to rearrange stones of patio.
Be more frugal with bird food. Dig
large hole in backyard. Mice can be
friends. Tell Errol to bring spigot.
Never treat people as if they were funny.
Glue shards of mirror to Bible. Mother
wants to be embalmed. Vice grips
are in third drawer to left. Be nice
to Stacy’s dog. Righty tighty, lefty
loosey. Clocks aren’t enemies.
Don’t wrap boned ham in tinfoil.
We are all wounded souls. Write
check to Carla. Never open freezer.

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EG 13

In Quotes

Which should I do first, make my bed
or write this poem. In the poem my bed
is already made, but in my bed I dream
in poems. If only I could write my dreams
as poems, but they would only come out
as tap-dances, such as the one you are
now hearing. In the dream I was racing
naked through the night, a dagger in
my teeth, a rose in my hand. Or was
it the other way around? Anyhoo,
it didn’t have much to do with anything
but tap-dancing once I put it down
on “paper.” I put paper in quotes because
it’s really just binary code on a screen.

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EG 14

After the Zoom

When we finally got to stop zooming
and meet in person again, we didn’t
know we had lost something in the process.
We had left part of ourselves in the cloud
or in some less random configuration
that can be digitized in binary numbers.
A couple of us said they had forgotten
how to love, that they’d abandoned
their hands and all they could feel
for a smidgen too long, and made love
like arcade crane machines, always
dropping the stuffed toy at the last
second, feeling compelled to speak
pigeon English, as in me want fuck.

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EG 15

That Same Sun

The sun that rises every day says I
don’t care to the torments of love.
Jim Harrison wrote that shortly before
he died. I find it hard to believe him.
I have talked to that same sun, watched
its comings and goings for three quarters
of a century. Is there not still torment in
watching one another die? And what
is that if not love? Has that same sun
not wrinkled us to husks and driven us
indoors to click through pictures of
the dead just to feel it in our guts,
to light up the old neural paths,
the palimpsests of our pain?

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